Mark's Family

Early into dating, Matt and Christy discussed adoption and more specifically, Down Syndrome adoption.  They concurred that eventually Down Syndrome and adoption would be a part of their story.  Following the birth of their third biological child, they started praying about what Down Syndrome adoption might look like for them.  “Their” plans were to just adopt ONE.  God had other big plans in mind.  They adopted their fourth child from Ethiopia.  He had Down Syndrome.  That tiny package of dynamite and charm changed the legacy of their family forever.  

After bringing home their child, they felt compelled to add “just one more”.  They started the process to adopt a little girl with DS from China.  During the process, the agency approached the family asking if they would also consider a boy with DS at the same orphanage.  To make a long story short, they added a little girl and boy with DS ages 3 and 4 to their home a few months later.  The addition of these two pumpkins solidified that God had a special calling on the Sellers family. 

A few years after the adopted triplets (3, 3, and 4) had grown and become more independent, they felt the tug to bring home “just one more”.  They started the process to bring home a beautiful Bulgarian princess with Down Syndrome in 2020.  After coming home, they realized she was in heart failure and profoundly deaf.  Through lots of medical appointments and learning new ways of doing life with a child with significant needs, the family declared they were “done” adopting.    

Then, after feeling prompted to go ahead an update their home study, they saw a picture of a little boy on the NDSAN page.  He was in need of a forever family.  He was the same age as the Sellers trio.  The Sellers also realized that the majority of families were probably hoping to adopt a baby and they were excited about not adopting a baby in their age bracket.  Could he be a perfect fit?

The Sellers brought Mark into their family in March. They have been married for 26 years.   Mark is their 8th child and 5th child with Down Syndrome.  The beloved trio is now a lively quartet ages 13, 12, 11 and 11.  The Bulgarian princess remains the baby of the family at age 6.  What a blessed life they live!  They feel honored that God has called them to this life and to be able to love these children forever.  


Maria-Jacinta's Family


Izabella's Family