Here’s What We Are All About…
Meet the Trinkleins:
Joyce and I first became aware that our new baby had Down Syndrome in the delivery room. We had no preconceived notions about what that meant, but a flood of emotions prevailed over the next several weeks.
We soon discovered that Down Syndrome is not an illness nor a condition, but rather a trait. Since that time it has become clear that the many beautiful aspects of this trait far outweigh any difficulties it might present.
It is now our family’s (Ahren has 3 siblings) hope to tell this reality to as many others as possible.
We formed GLADS to both encourage birth parents to raise their beautiful new infants, and also advocate for and financially support adoptive parents who look to accept one of these babies into their own loving family.
Enjoy the many happy stories seen on this website!
Joyce and Fritz Trinklein