Oliver's Family

I have always loved children and hoped to be a mom someday. However, I had no idea what God had in store for me. When I was 16 God put it on my heart to volunteer for a new church class that would be a dance/movement class for children with special needs, I had zero dance experience and didn't have much experience of being around children with special needs. I was very shy at the time but I felt called to join and help where I could. That turned out to be one of the best experiences of my life. I fell in love with these children and saw how truly remarkable they are. I learned that one of the families had adopted their 3 girls with Down syndrome and from that point forward God put it on my heart to adopt one of these special children of my own someday! I poured myself into the special needs community and throughout the years worked in many different areas. In addition to the dance class, I ran an afterschool program, taught swimming lessons, was a summer camp counselor, and taught life skills all to children with Down syndrome to name a few activities. I unequivocally fell in love with these children and my goal of adopting a child with Down syndrome grew. When I was dating my husband I told him about my dream because I wanted whomever I married to be onboard with me. David started coming to my dance classes and spending time just hanging out with these children and I was so impressed by how nurturing he was and how he enjoyed these special people seemingly as much as I did!

Fast forward quite a few years, David and I married and were blessed with a biological son and daughter. Still, this dream of adopting a baby with Down syndrome prevailed. In 2023 we decided to officially begin the process of adopting through the National Down Syndrome Adoption Network (NDSAN). After getting all our paperwork in order and home study completed we were on the official “adoption ready” list at the beginning of April 2024. God had amazing plans in store for us because 1.5 weeks later we were chosen by Olivers birth mom to parent him! We were shocked that we got chosen so quickly and rushed out to California to get our precious baby boy! We adopted Oliver right before his 4 month birthday. Meeting him was the most surreal and magical day of our lives. Not only did we gain a son that day but we got to know his birth mom, bio grandmother and bio brother who we are so happy to have formed a deep connection with and who are a part of our family now too! The courage, strength and love Oliver’s bio mom has for him is remarkable and we feel so honored that she picked us to parent him! We look forward to many years of friendship and visits in the future. Oliver is the happiest, sweetest most cuddly baby ever! He was born with a small hole in his heart which doctors think has already healed and won't require surgery. He is growing well and at 4 months has already rolled over! Waking up to see him in his crib every day fills our hearts with so much joy I cant even put it into words.  My bio son and daughter cant stop kissing and loving on him, he gets so much attention! We cannot wait to see what God has planned for Oliver’s life and are SO thankful we get to experience it with him! 


Izabella's Family


Mae Selin's family