Maaila Mae's Family


God has placed a special desire into our hearts!

When we learned about the National Down Syndrome Adoption Network, it seemed like destiny, and we excitedly decided to grow our family by adopting our first child who would be rocking that extra chromosome in 2014. Here we are 2019 and our prayers are being answered once again. Jeramie and I found each other when we were in the 10 th grade! We were king and queen our senior year and still act like it. I was born to be a Mom and he was born with a lot of patience. (*laughing) We started our lives out having our first son who was diagnosed with cancer at just 4 months old. We didn’t know if we would ever be brave enough to think about more children. He is graduating high school and we now have five amazing kiddos! We have learned through faith and our small village anything is possible. God has provided for us through this amazing journey, and we are so very thankful!



Lewis G's Family


Grant's Family