Grant's Family
"The costs associated with adoption can be staggering and very discouraging, so when we found out that we had received a grant from IDSC/SUFD/GLADS to help cover some of the costs of our adoption, we were overjoyed! We are deeply grateful for the generosity of the donors who made this grant possible, and thank you for being a part of our family's adoption story!"
Grant turns 1
Grant turned 1! We are loving every single day with Grant and the amount of joy he brings us is immeasurable!
We have an amazing relationship with Grant's birth parents who live about an hour and a half north of us. So much so, that they face-timed us on March 21st, World Down syndrome day, and offered to be our egg donor!! We were shocked at how generous of an offer that was, especially after they had already made us first time parents by choosing us for Grant. After a couple months of thinking and talking about it, Scott and I took them up on their offer at the beginning of June. However, at 6.5 weeks pregnant, I miscarried both babies. Although we knew this was a very likely possibility, it was still very disappointing and sad for us. My doctor suggested I have a surgery before she does another transfer. We are hopeful and excited about trying again, and even though our story is incredibly unique, we also think it's quite amazing that Grant could possibly grow up with biological half siblings.
We are loving every single day with Grant and the amount of joy he brings us is immeasurable!
What an absolute cutie he is.