William's Family
Our adoption story has been decades in the making. Joseph grew up helping his dad care for adults with physical and mental disabilities and brought up the desire to parent a child with Down syndrome when we started dating. After five years of marriage and the births of our two daughters, the subject of adopting a child with special needs kept coming up in prayer.
After countless conversations, research, prayer, spiritual direction, and even more prayer, God’s desires became obviously clear. We learned about the National Down Syndrome Adoption Network (NDSAN) and started the domestic adoption home study process. We also grew in friendship with families of children who have different needs, and got involved in our local Down syndrome community.
We'd only been on the NDSAN registry for a week or so when we got the call that we'd matched with William! He's a sweet and hilarious two-year-old with a love of dinosaurs and music—he can tap out a rhythm on anything from a drum to his high chair tray. And you should see his dance moves!
Placement day was in the month of October—what better way to celebrate Down syndrome awareness month by adding this little guy and his incredible extra chromosome to our crew?